Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10 – You may be familiar with installing programs, playing games, and editing media files on your computer for years. However, you won’t even know what the command line (CMD) is until you finally decide to code. To be honest, I got my first computer on my 5th birthday and have been using a PC the rest of the time, but I discovered CMD last year when I started coding. This article will show you some of my tips for beginners to get the basics of CMD.

Relax, before we get into our CMD, I’d like to show you Powershell first. It is basically a new updated version of CMD. All the commands you can run on CMD also work on Powershell. Feel free to pick your favorite, although they are the same in our daily practices, unless you want to be an OS developer.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

This is our computer without a user interface. Also this is how we say LOL to our common friends.

Can’t Run Command Prompt As Administrator: 7 Ways To Fix It

CMD can do things we normally do like creating new folders and content. Some commands will be shared in a later session. In my day-to-day programming, I use CMD to interact with my GitHub for push and pull, and I also use CMD to host a virtual port for my codes.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

I would say the directory is the first thing you should check before the rest of the command. Directories are your folder locations. This is because your CMD will follow your commands and execute the commands in the current directory you are in. If you are in the wrong folder, your CMD will tell you that the file is not found or there is an error.

Every time you open CMD for the first time, the directory will be the root directory of your computer.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Open Command Prompt At Boot In Windows 10

Look in File Explorer, you’re lazy… haha, just kidding. There is a command called “dir” to quickly check the folders or files in your current directory.

It just deletes the lines in your cmd, but you’re still in the same directory 🙂

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

As the image shows, I’ve created one empty file and another with an empty line, so the size of the world.css file is 2 bytes instead of 0 bytes.

Windows 10 Command Prompt Commands List

Don’t worry, these are actually all the commands I use exclusively on CMD. The rest are Git and npm related commands used for nodeJS. This should be enough for a beginner. Of course, there are many more to explore, but not all of them can help you in your day-to-day work. The link to the document is here, you can view it.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to share this helpful tip. On CMD go to the top bar of the window and right click on properties. You can change the font size, color, layout and more. It is possible to make it transparent!!!

CMD will be your companion for a long time until you switch to Linux or macOS. So don’t hesitate to customize your CMD and make it your true companion.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Command Line Cheat Sheet

Bonus: How to draw on CMD like article cover? Thanks for reading. I hope you get a basic understanding of CMD and I hope my tips help you in your daily work.

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Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Software developer based in Tokyo. Codes primarily in TypeScript and PHP, but is starting to build with Swift and Go. We use cookies to be better. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie settings

Windows Package Manager Is Command Line App Store For Windows 10

This article was written by Luigi Opido and author Jack Lloyd. Luigi Opido is the owner and operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal and upgrades. He is also the host of the show Computer Man! Broadcast on KSQD covering Central California for two years.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

It will teach you how to run programs on a Windows computer from a command prompt. You can only run programs that are installed in folders created by Windows (such as the desktop), although you can add the program’s folder to the command line list to run the program from the command line.

This article was written by Luigi Opido and author Jack Lloyd. Luigi Opido is the owner and operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal and upgrades. He is also the host of the show Computer Man! Broadcast on KSQD covering Central California for two years. This article has been viewed 1,787,631 times. The Command Prompt (CMD) has long been a key feature of the Windows operating system. It is one of the most powerful and flexible features of the Windows operating system. However, with the rise of GUI, the use of CMD is slowly disappearing. However, it still provides some powerful yet easy-to-use commands to control and perform various actions. CMD can be used to perform disk utility operations, networking, OS management and many other tasks. While there have been several rumors of Microsoft doing away with the command line, it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Command Prompt Basics: Working With Files And Folders

This is an internal Windows command used to display or change file extension associations. When used without parameters, this command displays all current file name extensions on the computer connected to the programs. There may be several applications on your computer that support a particular file type. Remembering the default OS option can be quite confusing, and using this command can help remind users of the appropriate file type associations with a program.

You can also use this command to set, modify, and remove file associations. However, if you want to make changes to associations, you will need to have administrator privileges. More information about the command can be found here.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

This command is used to display all current TCP/IP network configurations of your device. When used without parameters, the IPConfig command displays the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, subnet mask, and default gateway of all adapters. This command can also be used to reset the DNS address and reset the DHCP configuration for all connected adapters.

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The IPConfig command can also be used to troubleshoot various network and communication issues on your Windows computer. It can be used to resolve DNS and IP address leases in addition to providing basic network details. More information on how to use IPConfig can be found here.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

The ping and tracert commands are some of the most commonly used network commands to determine if data packets are reaching a particular network device or server. While pinging after an IP address or web domain allows you to see if web packets are being delivered and received back, tracer on the other hand provides information about every step of the way between your computer and the destination. provides

Cipher is a built-in command-line tool in the Windows operating system that can be used to encrypt or decrypt data on all mapped NTFS drives. This tool can also be used to securely erase data by overwriting it with new data. When you delete some data or files in Windows, they are not actually deleted and can be recovered. This is because Windows makes the deleted data inaccessible, but does not delete the data. The cipher command can be used to erase this data by replacing it with random data, making the erased data unrecoverable.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Download Windows Command Line Cheat Sheet Pdf

Windows System File Checker (SFC) is a powerful built-in tool in the Windows operating system. This tool allows you to repair damaged system files in Windows. However, you must have administrator rights to perform this action. The command can be used to perform file system verification and scan all protected system files and replace damaged files with a cached copy.

Windows Task Scheduler can help users schedule and run computer programs, applications, or scripts at predefined times or intervals. schtasks is the command line equivalent of the Windows Task Scheduler that can be used to perform exactly the same operations with the added benefit of simplifying complex operations using commands. Users must have administrative privileges to use and run the schtasks command to schedule, view, or change tasks on your local or remote computer.

Basic Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

The easiest way to find all system information, configuration, and other details and overviews on a Windows computer is to use the SystemInfo command. This command provides host name, operating system name and version, registered owner, system manufacturer, system boot time, BIOS version, system model and type, processor information, and more. This command can also be used to check the system configuration of a remotely connected host on your local network. However

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