Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location – The new Cyberpunk 2077 1.6 Edgerunner update has changed the minds of fans. Along with the update, we also got to see the amazing Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunner anime, which follows David Martinez as the protagonist of the series. The Cyberpunk Edgerunners anime was so well received by critics that players’ interest in the Cyberpunk game began to increase, and Cyberpunk became the most played and number one selling game on Steam.

It doesn’t end there, and CD Projekt Red even decided to add some anime elements to the game through Edgerunner’s DLC. In these elements is a rifle, Guts, which was previously owned by Rebecca, a character in the anime. In this guide, we will show you how to get Rebecca’s Shotgun and its features in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

Rebecca’s rifle is actually not hard to find. In fact, you don’t even need to do a quest to get Rebecca’s rifle like David’s jacket, which requires you to complete a certain quest to get it. What you need to do now is head straight to Memorial Park, located on Corpo Plaza in the City Center area. Anime fans probably already know this place.

Cyberpunk 2077 Anime Easter Eggs: Locations From Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Once you reach the specified location via the fast waypoints in Arasaka Tower or Metro: Memorial Park, you must head to the location marked on the map, which is on the highest level of Memorial Park and near the Militech Tower.

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

There you’ll find the three seated monks on the ground right across from Militech’s tower. Then just go behind the monks on the grassy area and near a bush you will find Rebecca’s shotgun. You should also watch the ground carefully because once you get close to the rifle, an orange dot will appear on the rifle making it easier to spot.

Rebecca’s Shotgun, Guts, is a powerful shotgun that does a lot of damage at close range. This rifle is an improved version of the Budget Arms Carnage, a cheap but powerful weapon. Like all other weapons, Rebecca’s rifle also suffers from some drawbacks, namely high recoil and increased ammo spread.

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

All Weapons And Cyberware From Edgerunners In Cyberpunk 2077

Rebecca’s Repulsive Shotgun is so powerful that you need a minimum score of 10 Body to even handle the Shotgun. However, Rebecca’s shotgun can carry 8 grenades, while Carnage can only carry 5 grenades, which can help in close combat. Additionally, Rebecca’s shotgun can even convert its damage type to chemical, adding poison on hit.

Overall, Rebecca’s Shotgun, Guts, is a pretty solid shotgun that players should probably try out in Cyberpunk 2077. And if you’re looking for the best guns, why not check out our Best Guns in Cyberpunk 2077 guide?

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

That’s all on Rebecca’s site and rifle review. We hope you find our guide useful. Let us know your reviews of Rebecca’s rifle in the comments below.

Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners Build Guide: How To Play As Rebecca And Get Her Shotgun

Worked on various video game sites along with 7 years of content writing experience. I currently supervise teams, create strategies and publish skilled pieces through my ability. The Netflix anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has renewed interest in Cyberpunk 2077, especially after the recent 1.6 update, which added new Edgerunners-themed DLC for players to discover in-game. Fans of the show will be happy to know that they can add Rebecca’s shotgun to their arsenal, provided they know where to look. This guide will help speed things up by explaining where to get Rebecca’s shotgun in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

Rebecca’s rifle, Guts, is a modified version of the Carnage power rifle in Cyberpunk 2077. Unlike David Martinez’s jacket, there is no side job associated with finding Rebecca’s rifle. The guts will be inside some bushes in Corpo Plaza. As long as you have the 1.6 update installed, all you have to do is find it.

To find Guts, you need to go to Memorial Park, which is located outside the Arasaka Tower in the center of Corpo Plaza. The fastest way to get there is to first travel to either the Subway: Memorial Park or Arasaka Tower for fast travel.

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

Cyberpunk 2077 Version 1.6 Guide: How To Get All Weapons And Gear Featured In The Edgerunners Anime

When you arrive, climb the stairs and make your way to Memorial Park where holographic fish circle above the glass floor. Edgerunners fans should recognize this location from the show. Search the bushes along the southwest side, at the opposite end of the square from Arasaka Tower. A trio of monks will be sitting nearby.

The guts will be under a bush on top of a bloodstain in the grass. As a powerful weapon, Guth’s bullets can ricochet off surfaces. Guts also deals chemical and critical damage, has a 100% damage multiplier to the head, and has two mod slots. Here’s what the weapon description says:

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

“It originally belonged to Rebecca of David Martinez’s crew. It will wreak bloody havoc, although it can be a bit unpredictable. Much like its original owner.”

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.6 New Weapons Locations Guide

If you followed our steps, it should be easy to find Rebecca’s rifle in Cyberpunk 2077. Visit our Cyberpunk 2077 guide for more gameplay tips.

Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca Shotgun Location

Larin is a YouTube content creator and full-time writer who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She can often be found at small gatherings preaching the gospel of The Witcher 3

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